General & Account Questions

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What is proof of residence?

In order to verify your account, we will require a recent proof of address document, such as a utility bill or bank statement.

This document must be issued in the name of the Tauro account holder within the last 3 months, and must contain the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your current residential address
  • Date of issue
  • The details of the issuer

We accept any bills that are issued by a financial institution, a utility company, a government agency or a judicial authority. If your bill or document is available online, you may send it to us either as a PDF file, or as a screenshot.

Proof of address/residence can be one of the following:

  • Electricity, water, gas, internet or telephone bill
  • Bank statement / credit card statement / bank reference letter
  • Tax letter / Council tax bill (for the current year)
  • Social insurance statement
  • Electronic statements with the URL visible
  • Government-issued Certificate of Residence or notarized Affidavit of Residence

If you do not have Residence documents in your name, please note that you could also send a Certificate of Residence of your Municipality or a Letter of Confirmation duly signed by a local authority enclosing your name/ surname, your current address and with a recent date.

If you do not have any of the above, please provide us with an official document that states your name and residential address or send an email to and inform us about this so that we assist you further.

What will not be accepted?

  • Invoices for purchasing goods
  • Receipts
  • Insurance bills
  • Handwritten bills
  • Road tax
  • Documents with low resolution or low quality
  • Documents enclosed in envelopes
  • Half or torn documents

View examples of valid documents:

  • Utility bill
  • Bank statement

Please keep in mind that on the occasion when your verification document is “outdated” (older than 12 months), we will contact you to provide us with a copy of the updated document.

How can I change the name I registered my account with?

You can amend the name only in case of misspelling by sending us an email to explaining why you wish to change it and attaching a copy of your identity document or document proving a name change. We will then review and contact you regarding the status of your request.

Please note that you are requested to provide us with accurate and valid information from the beginning of the business relationship. In the case you register using a fake name or a nickname or a third party name, you need to inform us accordingly. Further information and/or documentation may be required.

Can I open a joint account?

To open a joint account with Tauro, each person must first open an individual Tauro account and then fill a Joint Account Request Form which can be obtained by contacting our Back Office Team at Both individuals have to ensure to proceed with a successful verification of their respective individual accounts, before the merge will be possible. This includes but is not limited to, provision of KYC documents, completion of Appropriateness test and Economic profile.

It remains at the company’s discretion to confirm a clients’ eligibility for a joint account.

How can I become a partner or affiliate?

If you wish to become an Affiliate or IB Partner of Tauro Markets, please email directly and/or visit our partners page where you can find more information.

If you send an email you should expect a further reply within 24-48 business hours.

How can I change my password?

If you are using a pc/laptop, please login to your account, click on Settings > Change Password. In case you have forgotten your Password, please click on ‘Forgot Password?’ or talk to an agent in order to reset the password manually for you.

Do you charge inactivity fees?

Yes, the Company has established, implemented and maintains an Inactive and Dormant Account Policy that is as follows:

When a client with any trading account(s) held with the Company under any of its brands has not:

  1. Placed a trade;
  2. Opened or closed positions; and
  3. Made a deposit into the client’s trading account, for a period of at least 90 (ninety) consecutive days, his account shall be classified by the Company as an Inactive Account.

Such Inactive Accounts will be subject to a monthly charge of

  1. 10% of the account balance, with
  2. the minimum amount charged being € 25 (Twenty-Five Euros) or trading account currency equivalent, and
  3. the maximum amount charged being € 49,90 (Forty-Nine Euros and Ninety Cents) or trading account currency equivalent from the funds held in the account balance, until the account balance is € 0 (zero) or trading account currency equivalent, relating to the maintenance/ administration of such Inactive Accounts.

You can reactivate your inactive/dormant account at any time. Please ensure that all of your verification documents (i.e. Proof of Identity and Proof of residence) are still valid, as renewed documents may be required. And also ensure to re-complete and update your profile information, including the Economic Profile/Questionnaire.

Inactivity/Dormant fees are non-refundable.

Should you require any further clarification or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Support.

How can I verify my account?

Registering with Tauro is a relatively simple process. Simply click “Sign up” and complete the registration process.

What is an Appropriateness questionnaire and an Economic profile?

As a regulated company, we are obliged by law to collect certain information about our clients during the verification process. Besides your verification documents, we also require the following questionnaires to be completed:

The Appropriateness Assessment Test is part of this process which helps us ensure that the customer has an understanding of the risks involved and has the relevant experience required in the financial markets. The Assessment ensures that you are given access to the leveraged products and services you are most suited for.

The Assessment of client’s economic situation (Economic Profile) is the second part of this process which allows us to ensure that the customer’s financial situation is in line with his funding patterns and also adds an extra level of verification for AML purposes.

Why do I need to submit personal documents?

These steps are taken to ensure the validity of the information and to protect you from potential fraud.

Equity, as a legit financial institution, is required to confirm the identity of its clients. If your identity can not be clearly verified, you may be asked to provide further information.

Additionally, Equity is required to comply with statutory security standards. These include but are not limited to, the anti-money laundering legislation and the prevention of terrorist financing. If you need help with your identity verification process, please contact our support team.

Which documents/information is required to open an account with Tauro Markets?

After you have opened an account with Tauro, you are asked to complete personal details (date of birth, residential address details, etc.) as soon as possible. This should help you speed up the verification process.

You will then need to complete an Appropriateness Test to ensure that you understand all the risks involved in trading derivative products and submit basic information on your Economic profile.

In order to have your account fully verified you will be required to send the below documentation:

  • Proof of identity
  • Proof of address*

You can upload the documents through the Tauro Markets dashboard and upload them on our system. It is a very simple and straightforward process.

To avoid any account limitations including, but not limited to, trading, withdrawal of funds and account closure, all clients should be verified as soon as possible.

At any point, TM may request additional identification documents in accordance with regulations or circumstances.

* Unless your address can be fully verified via electronic verification

Please note that if you wish to open a real money account with TM you must be at least 18 years old.

Do you accept US citizens/residents?

Unfortunately, Tauro does not accept US citizens/residents for tax purposes.

Please ensure that if any of below is applicable to you, you need to inform us accordingly:

  • I am a U.S. citizen (including dual citizen) or resident
  • My birthplace is in the U.S.
  • I have a current U.S. mailing or residence address (including a U.S. post office box or U.S. “in-care-of” address)
  • I have a current U.S. telephone number
  • I have standing instructions to transfer funds to an account maintained in the United States
  • I have currently effective power of attorney or signatory authority granted to a person with a U.S. address
  • I have an “in-care-of” or “hold mail” address that is the sole address for the Account Holder. The Investor needs to note that in the case of a Pre-existing Individual Account that is a Lower Value Account, an “in-care-of” address outside the United States is not to be treated as U.S. indicia.
  • I possess a U.S. TIN (hereafter “Tax Identification Number”).

If your answer to any of the above statements was ‘’Yes’’, we won’t be able to proceed with the approval of your account. If you have already registered for a Tauro account and you are considered a US citizen for tax purposes, please inform our Back Office Team accordingly at

What is proof of identity?

In order to verify your account, we will require a copy of your valid passport or both sides of your government-issued identification card.

This copy must contain:

  • Identification Number
  • Full Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Photograph
  • Valid Expiry Date
  • Issuing authority

What will not be accepted:

  • Covered details – you must not cover any of the above details
  • Unclear documents
  • Cropped images – all edges of the document should be visible
  • Documents such as Army card, Medical card, Age card, Student card

All scans should be in high resolution and the above details must be clearly readable.

Please make sure that your documents are:

  • Clear, with no blurs, light reflection or shadows
  • All edges of the document must be visible

Both sides of the document must be uploaded

View examples of valid documents:

  • Passport
  • Identification card

Please keep in mind that on the occasion when your identity verification document has expired, you are obligated to provide us with a copy of the updated document.

How and when can I contact you?

You can contact our Customer Support Team for any questions related to your registration, MT4 platform/mobile app, unexplained error or technical issue, downloading your platform or client’s dashboard.

Should you wish to reach us by email

From Monday 00:00 to Friday 23.59
(GMT+2/GMT+3 during Daylight Saving Time)

Please make sure to contact us from your registered email address.

What is the meaning of Politically Exposed Person (PEP)?

Anti-Money Laundering legislation defines PEP as a natural person who is or who has been entrusted with prominent public

functions and includes the following:

(a) heads of State, heads of government, ministers and deputy or assistant ministers;

(b) members of parliament or of similar legislative bodies;

(c) members of the governing bodies of political parties;

(d) members of supreme courts, of constitutional courts or of other high-level judicial bodies, the decisions of which are not subject to further appeal, except in exceptional circumstances;

(e) members of courts of auditors or of the boards of central banks;

(f) ambassadors, chargés d’affaires and high-ranking officers in the armed forces;

(g) members of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies of State-owned enterprises;

(h) directors, deputy directors and members of the board or equivalent function of an international organization.

No public function referred to in points (a) to (h) shall be understood as covering middle-ranking or more junior Officials;

‘family members’ includes the following:

(a) the spouse, or a person considered to be equivalent to a spouse, of a politically exposed person;

(b) the children and their spouses, or persons considered to be equivalent to a spouse, of a politically exposed person;

(c) the parents of a politically exposed person;

‘persons known to be close associates’ means:

(a) natural persons who are known to have joint beneficial ownership of legal entities or legal arrangements, or

any other close business relations, with a politically exposed person;

(b) natural persons who have sole beneficial ownership of a legal entity or legal arrangement which is known to

have been set up for the de facto benefit of a politically exposed person.

Definition of Immediate Family Member & Close Associates of a PEP: The legislation extends the requirement to apply Enhanced customer due diligence to an immediate family member, or a close associate, of a PEP.

In the case the above is applicable to you, please inform our Back Office Team in writing at accordingly.

Do I have to pay taxes on my profits? Can I get a tax confirmation letter from you?

Kindly note that we do not provide taxation information as each country has different taxation laws.

Tauro does not collect taxes for any government authority, and it is the clients’ responsibility to calculate and pay any applicable taxes relevant in the country they live in. To do so, we can provide you with your trading account statement/s.

If you wish to have a tax letter confirmation stating your total deposits, total withdrawals and total PnL, please email and they will provide it to you.

What documents are required to open a corporate account?

You can open a trading account on your company name via our usual registration process. Please enter the personal details of the person who will be the authorized representative and send an email to with the official company documentation (depending on the availability as per country of the incorporation), such as:

  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Certificate of Good Standing or a recent excerpt from the company registry if the company is older than one year
  • Certificate of Registered Office (if available)
  • Certificate of Directors and Secretary
  • Certificate of Registered Shareholders
  • Memorandum & Articles of Association of the Company (if available)
  • A Lei code – A client who is a legal entity or structure needs to obtain a LEI code. For information please see: or
  • A resolution by the Board of Directors of the Company for the opening of a trading account with Tauro Markets and to whom they grant authority to operate the trading account (internal template to be provided)
  • Declaration of UBO (sample can be provided as per request)
  • Full KYC documentation for all Directors and Shareholders of 25% or more held in the Company. Specifically:
  • Proof of Identification: a certified true copy of the person(s) passport (with photograph and signature specimen included) who will operate the trading account. The document is required to be valid and clearly readable.
  • Proof of Residence: a recent copy of a water bill or gas bill or electricity bill or a bank statement issued in that person(s) name, evidencing his/her permanent address and not older than three (3) months.

Please note that the above list is indicative and that the number and nature of the documents required depends on the country of incorporation.

Once we receive all necessary documents, our Back Office Team will review them and assist you with the completion of the registration.

How can I change details on my personal profile / account? (e.g. address / email address / phone number)?

If you wish to change or update your residential address, follow the below steps:

You can amend your residential address by sending us an email with a copy of your proof of residence document attached. At the same time you can proceed to change your residential address from your Equity profile. Please access your Account on Equity dashboard, click ‘Settings’ and select ‘Personal Profile’ option. Once the new proof of residence document is received and accepted we will then update your profile.

You can find more details on acceptable proof of residence documents under the question: What is proof of address/residence?

If you wish to change your email address or phone number, follow the below steps:

To change your email address or phone number, please access your Account from TM dashboard, click ‘Settings’ and select ‘Personal Profile’ option. Here you will be able to amend the email. You will receive an automated email notification asking you to confirm your new email address. Follow the instructions stated in the email.

Can I open more than one account with Tauro Market? Which currency can I use for trading?

Yes, Tauro allows up to 4 different trading accounts. In case you already have a Classic account and wish to have a VIP account, you will need to open a new account of the desired type as no upgrade can be done.You can have max up to 3 Classic account and 1 VIP account.

How can I verify my phone number?

Phone verification is a mandatory step to add protection to your account.

After entering a valid mobile phone number in the online form, you will receive an SMS with a verification code. You will then need to enter that code into the appropriate box in the form.

If you are unable to verify your number, please contact our Customer Support Team via Email.

How can I unsubscribe from emails?

To customise your subscriptions, visit the Settings page in your TM profile/dashboard. Here you will be able to confirm whether you wish to receive marketing and promotional material or not. Alternatively, you can go on the bottom of the email you received and unsubscribe by selecting ”Click here” option.

Please note, you will not be able to unsubscribe from the required communication regarding your trading activity. If you wish to unsubscribe from daily statements, please email

How can I delete my account?

Please note that the option to permanently delete the account is available only for the accounts which do not have any uploaded documents or any failed or successful deposits. This is due to the fact that we are required by our regulator to maintain your account details for 5 years.

If you do not have any failed or successful deposits in your account within the last 5 years, then please log in to your account on a PC/Laptop, click on Settings > Privacy > Delete my account.


Tauro Markets is a multi-asset investment platform. The value of your investments may go up or down. Your capital is at risk.

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